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Nutraceutical Applications of Lycopene

Because of its unique chemical structure Lycopene is considered one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Thanks to several studies conducted on carotenoids, in fact, it has been shown that in vitro Lycopene possesses a capacity to scavenge excess free radicals 2 to 10 times greater than that possessed by Beta-carotene and Vitamin E, respectively.

applicazioni nutraceutiche licopene

This important property of Lycopene has meant that the interest of the scientific and clinical nutrition worlds in this valuable natural substance has grown significantly in recent years and continues to grow. Confirming this, typing in PubMed the search term "Lycopene" shows 5885 scientific studies and reviews, 423 of which were published between 2021 and early 2022, concerning the possible positive effects of Lycopene on human health and its applications in the nutraceutical field.

The analysis of the scientific literature shows that, the main nutraceutical effects of Lycopene have been found with reference to specific diseases, mainly those for which oxidative stress is an important risk factor.

Specifically, the main nutraceutical applications of Lycopene relate to:

  • Prevention and treatment of prostate diseases also in synergy with other active ingredients. In particular, the various studies investigate the role of Lycopene in reference to prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. We discuss this in depth in our article on Lycopene and Prostate Health.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease mainly due to its ability to inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, helping to reduce overall blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Mechanism of action and studies supporting Lycopene's protective properties can be found within our in-depth article Lycopene and Cardiovascular Disease.
  • Recent studies also highlight among Lycopene's nutraceutical properties its usefulness in the management of osteoporosis, a metabolic bone disease that particularly affects women. In this in-depth review, Lycopene and Osteoporosis we analyze the mechanism of action by which this carotenoid would appear to contribute to slowing the process of bone tissues re-absorption and the supporting studies.
  • Analysis of the scientific literature also reveals studies supporting the usefulness of Lycopene and its properties in protecting vision and eye health in general. We elaborate on this topic in the article from our magazine devoted specifically to the role of Lycopene in Eye Diseases.
  • Among the other nutraceutical applications of Lycopene, also of interest are those that see it useful in the management of some of the main symptoms of Menopause, as well as in countering, along with other antioxidants, brain aging, helping to prevent the onset of degenerative diseases of the central nervous system such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Finally, Lycopene can help keep our immune system healthy by helping to strengthen the body's defenses.

Lycopene Supplements

Our organic lycopene finds immediate application in the preparation of dietary supplements in synergy with other active ingredients or in mono-compound form. Being naturally bioavailable, in fact, it can be directly used as a dietary supplement without any addition of preservatives and/or additives to adjust or modify the composition. In organic lycopene, in fact, the lipids needed to enhance the absorption process are not added from outside (as in the case of synthetic or natural lycopene) but come directly from the extracting plants.

Do you want to try the properties of Lycopene? Choose our Organic Lycopene 10mg, the only certified organic and highly bioavailable Lycopene supplement.

Organic Lycopene

The certified organic lycopene supplement, fruit of Licofarma research. Protects every day the health of your body, fighting oxidative stress.

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